Iwamoto-Watanabe Laboratory (IWL) is a research laboratory in Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, the University of Electro-Communications (UEC). We design cryptographic algorithms and provide theoretical analyses of current cryptographic protocols by using mathematical tools such as complexity theory and information theory. We aim to consider every angle of security systems in collaboration with Sakiyama–Li–Miyahara Lab., Sugawara Lab., and Wang Lab., which are laboratories that mainly focus on hardware security.
We joined the project JST CREST “TRACE for IoT” in October 2023 as Advanced Cryptography Group.
Seven students attended and presented posters at IEEE EASIT 2024.
Suthee Ruangwises left IWL.
A paper on searchable encryption was accepted at SAC 2024.
Four papers were accepted to New Generation Computing.
Three stundent members were accepted to the AIP Challenge Program.
Hatsugai and Ono gave invited talks at ICIAM 2023.
We welcomed a visiting researcher.